Law Of Thermodinamics

Law first termodinamics
Law first termodinamika is wide with law constansy energic to mean “although calor energic after upgrade to upgrating energic in and energic out gas, all sum energic always constant”. Meaning from the same of:
∆Q = ∆U + ∆W
∆Q = calor energic reserve or to close system
∆U = upgrade in energic
∆W = out work
• If system doing work, value ∆W marked positive (+)
• If system get work, value ∆W marked negative (-)
• If system calor remove, value ∆Q marked negative (-)
• If system get calor, value ∆Q marked positive (+)

Law of termodinamica the first speaks about eternity of energy, that total of all energy always constant if case that energy changed from shape which one to shape which other. But is alternation shape of energy termodinamica can to direct law of termodinamica the first is not limit this matter. Really it’s point out that the calor always flow from thing which temperature high to thing which temperature low. Can calor move by direction on the contrary? This situation never happen if case constant fill law of termodinamica. Limition alternation which can happen and which cannot, deciared on law of termodinamica the second.

Several formula law of termodinamica the second is:
1. Law of termodinamica about entrophy
Law of termodinamica second about entrophy deciare:
“Total entrophy the universe does not change when process of reversible happen (∆Suniverse = 0) and to increase when process of irreversible happen (∆Suniverse>0)”
2. The second law termodinamica about calor machine
Formulastion Kelvin and Planck
“Imposible make machine that work in one siclus, received calor from one calor resource and change the total become effort”.
Could also said that imposible make machine that a efficiency 100%. So, like has performanced in front of, that fromm all machine that exist, Carnot machine that have biggest efficiency.
Formula clausius to state:
Calor to flow with spontan from object with temperature high to object with temperature low and no flow with spontan in direction on the contrary. Impossible to make machine that work in one siklus, take calor from reversoir that temperature it low and give that calor in reservoir that temperature it high without to need effort outside.
3. Prinsip basic of refrigenerator
Based on fornula clausius,calor can in compulsion to flow from reservoir cool T1 to reservoir hot T2 ¬with do effort to system. Equitment that to work with manner this as mentiond refrigenerator.
In refrigenerator like reservoir cool is part in ‘kulkas’ (place store food), where as like reservoir hot is air outside around refrigenerator. Effort outside in sold out system electricity to system, to cause calor that to take from food moued to air outside. In air conditioner as reservoir cool is in room,where as reservoir hot is air outside room.

Big effort outside that in necessary in refrigenerator is:
W = Q1 – Q2
With Q1 is calor that absorp from temperature low
Q2 is calor that give to temperature high
Coefficient Performance
Performance machine burning showed by efficiency machines. For refrigenerator performance showed by score coefficient performansi (Cp). Coefficient performansi definition is score compare between cool reservoir with labour given system.
Cp = Q2 = Q2 = T2 .
W Q1 – Q2 T2 – T1
Coefficient performansi score always bigger than one (Cp > 1). Higher score Cp,so be better refrigenerator. Refrigenerator in general have score Cp between 2 up to 6

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